The biochemistry of food allows us to understand all the ways in which food compounds interact with our body’s molecular mechanisms, which influence health and disease prevention. And with simplified explanations on these topics, it’ll be easy peezy vitamin c squeezy!

The Truth About Fats (Jumpscare Warning!!)

To set things straight, I would like to preface this by saying that eating fats do not make you fat. This might be a bit scary to read so hold on to your stuffed animal tight: consuming foods that are rich in fat does not equate to storing more fat in the body. Period.
Protein is one of the three main nutrient found in our food. It’s made up amino acids, which are like Lego pieces. In fact, a protein is simply a long chain of amino acids. So a big tower of legos, or a tower of Jenga however you want to think about it.
Protein helps build muscle. Down a protein shake .002 seconds after your workout. These are all things you’ve probably heard being thrown around. But how does protein even get to do all these things? And why are all my Instagram reels filled with protein-ified recipes? The answer (not to my Insta page) lies in the structure.
While carbohydrates have earned a bad reputation in the past year, just like fats, they’re actually really important. Like really really.
Carbohydrates are our body’s primary and preferred energy source.
What’s in Chia Seeds? Chia seeds are one of the richest plant sources of omega-3 fatty acids, particularly alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
Oats are a complex carbohydrate , which is the body’s preferred source of energy. Complex carbohydrates are slowly digested and gradually release glucose (sugar) into the bloodstream.
Tofu, also known as bean curd, is a plant-based protein source that has been used for centuries in various cuisines. At its core, tofu is made from soybeans by curdling soy milk and pressing the resulting curds into blocks. Learn from bio-chemistry of Tofu.
Sweet potatoes are not just delicious and possibly the best vegetable out there, they are also amazing in terms of their nutritional content. Let’s dive into bio-chemistry of Sweet Potato.
Zucchinis are a summer squash that belong to the species Cucurbita pepo. They are not only a versatile ingredient in the kitchen but also a very interesting subject of study in the field of biochemistry. 
At the heart of an avocado’s benefits is its fat content, which is unusual for a fruit. Avocados, beyond being delicious, are absolutely fascinating when we look into their structure. They’re unique, especially in their fat composition, nutrient content, and the antioxidants they offer.
Tomatoes are a nutrient-dense food, providing essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Beyond how versatile they are, tomatoes are rich, containing an compounds that contribute to their nutritional value and health benefits.

Derived from ground sesame seeds, tahini is rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are essential for maintaining heart health and providing vital fatty acids for the body.

Raspberries are small, bright berries that are not only delicious but also packed with health benefits. But what makes them such a valuable addition to our diet?